

HUH quiza todo esto se borro incomprensiblemente por la levedad que ello imlico, porque quiza lo ohice desmedidamente y todo sigue siendo parte del inmenso e irradiente universo fatuo y asombroso que nos une..... pero ya esta determinada la situacion en este inmueble se presentan fantasmas inconclusos y decepciones de una letargica situacion.... sin embargo la distante Luz que se ha integrado ha comenzado a distinguir nuevos rumbos? no hay ya especulaciones barbaras se ha cacabado una distinta situacion o quiza tal vez se haya desintegrado por una inplicada parcialidad desosegada.... pero lo mas probable es que todo estoo sea solo una vision inconsciente y despedida de la abrimadora y compleja naturaleza que encierra todo..... quiza sea por eso que haya comprendido tan poco... quiza????? quiza???, esta sea la razon de un ultimo encuentro en donde no hay necesidades implicitas solo el simple vistazo de algo inconcluso e incongruente pero que de alguna forma sigue estando presente;............ pero debe ser sin alarmas y sin sorpresas o quiza no..............

No Surprises

A heart that's full up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you,bruises that won't heal. You look so tired-unhappy, bring down the government, they don't, they don't speak for us.I'll take a quiet life,a handshake of carbon monoxide, with no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, Silent silence. This is my final fit,my final bellyache, with no alarms and no surprises,no alarms and no surprises,no alarms and no surprises please. Such a pretty houseand such a pretty garden. No alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises please.

June 1997
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OK Computer & No Surprises single

Thom introduced this song to his bandmates and the members of REM on the REM Monster Tour. It was 3 August 1995, in Oslo, Norway, and they were all gathered in a dressing room. The lyrics have been changed since then, but they originally told the story of a man who has become fed up with the way things are working out for him and is having problems with his girlfriend. Two lines from this version are, "He was sick of her excuses / To not take off her dress when bleedin' in the bathroom." Preparing to record the song, Thom altered those lyrics, but the meaning remains essentially the same. Aside from the fact that it features a glockenspiel, this track has a simplicity that proves Radiohead's ability to create a basic song with straighforward lyrics and make it fit smoothly into an album as complex as Ok Computer.