

hoy ayer días de perdidas......perdidas memorables, sin valor y con valor ambivalentes, estratégicas, encontradas, sublimes e imperfectas, que denotan un cambio inmediato....será que sea necesario, implicaria quizá una demasiado para mí no puedo con todo debería haber alguna salida por aquí sin embargo....sin embargo sigue siendo tan inutil en ocasiones y tan arduo detenerse...... so stop you can't stand me now..... intranquilidades nocturnas que interrumpen estas noches de ocio y vicio tratar ya que razon hay deber.... oh nOoooooooooooooooooooo y levantarse y vislumbrar la perdida hay que escapar
Exit Music (For A Film)
Wake from your sleep, the drying of your tears, Today we escape, we escape. Pack and get dressedbefore your father hears us, before all hell breaks loose. Breathe, keep breathing, don't lose your nerve. Breathe, keep breathing, I can't do this alone. Sing us a song, a song to keep us warm, there's such a chill, such a chill. And you can laugh a spineless laugh, we hope your rules and wisdom choke you. And now we are one in everlasting peace,we hope that you choke, that you choke, we hope that you choke, that you choke,we hope that you choke, that you choke.
SONG INFORMATIONla cancion está escrita para dos personas que deben huir antes de que todo el mal comience musica de final para una pelicula
June 1997
Found on:
OK Computer
While on tour with Alanis Morissette in September of 1996, Radiohead was sent the last half-hour of Baz Luhrmann's film William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and asked to write a song for the closing credits. Band members were impressed by the clip, and Thom wrote this song for the movie. At first he attempted to use lines from Shakespeare's play as lyrics, but finally ditched the idea. The moment in the film when Claire Danes (Juliet) holds a Colt 45 to her head was the actual inspiration for "Exit Music." Thom also had the 1968 version of the film in his head: "I saw the Zeffirelli version when I was 13 and I cried my eyes out, because I couldn't understand why, the morning after they shagged, they didn't just run away. The song is written for two people who should run away before all the bad stuff starts. A personal song."


i can't sleep tonight

aún siendo presente de estas variaciones inconclusas y extrañas, no puedo mantener la posición, es necesario pero es abstracto todo abstracto como Rothko y su mundo así se comeinza a convertir todo hoy las dosis que mantienen esta realidad han sido devastadas por la tormenta........... y ´un la idea sigue tergiversada.......... hoy ther's no song for today tchus everybody


love love is real real is love love is feeling feeling love love is wanting to be loved love is touch touch is love is rythim love is asking to be loved love is you you and me love is knowing we can be love is FREE FREE is love love is living living love love is needing to be loved Don’t let me down, don’t let me down.
Don’t let me down, don’t let me down.

Nobody ever loved me like she does,
Oo, she does, yeh, she does.
And if somebody loved me like she do me,
Oo, she do me, yes, she does.

Don’t let me down, don’t let me down.
Don’t let me down, don’t let me down.

I’m in love for the first time.
Don’t you know it’s gonna last.
It’s a love that lasts forever,
It’s a love that had no past.

Don’t let me down, don’t let me down.
Don’t let me down, don’t let me down.

And from the first time that she really done me,
Oo, she done me, she done me good.
I guess nobody ever really done me,
Oo, she done me, she done me good.

Don’t let me down, don’t let me down.
Don’t let me down, don’t let me down.


I Might Be Wrong

TOP 10 for those who dont mind anyways here we come

1- Motion Picture Soundtrack - Radiohead : (shit dentro del anverso del booklet podemos observar la fascinante entrada to the heavens door....... )
2- Honeydrippers - Sea of love : (no coment)
3- Snow Patrol - Run : lught up light up as if you have a choise even if
you cannot hear my voice i'll be right besides you dear...... louder louder and we''l run four our lives i can't hardly speak i understand .... your voice to say ........... slower we don't have time for that all i need to find an easy way to get all of it have heart my dear even its just for a few days making up with all this mess... light up LIGHT UP
4- INTERPOL - C'mere : It's way too late to be this locked inside ourselves
The trouble is that you're in love with someone else
It should be me. Oh, it should be me
Sacred parts, your get aways
You come along on summer days
Tenderly, tastefully

It's so me, we make time
Try to find somebody else
This place is mine

Set the day, you know exactly how I feel
I had my doubts little girl
I'm in love with something real
It could be me, that's changing!

It's so me, we make time
To try and find somebody else
We pass a line

Now season with health
Two lovers walk on lakeside mile
Try pleasing with stealth, rodeo (?)
See the stands long ending path

Oh, how I love you
And in the evening, when we are sleeping
We are sleeping. Oh, we are sleeping

It's so me, we make time
We try to find somebody else
Who has a line

Now season with health
Two lovers walk on lakeside mile
Try pleasing with stealth, rodeo (?)
See the stands long ending path

jajajaja y la idea comenzara con una ojeada a los oldies, aunque tenga la impresion de soft nice and loud, pues al final todos tenemos un buen darkside asi que

5- Bee Gees - I STARTED a JOKE : I started a joke
Which started the whole world crying
Oh but I didn't see
That the joke was on me...oh no..
And I started to cry
Which started the whole world laughing
Oh if I'd only seen
That the joke was on me

And I looked at the skies
Running my hands
Over my eyes
And I fell out of bed
Hurting my head
For things that I've said

Till I finally died
Which started the whole world living
Oh if I'd only seen
That the joke was on me

And I looked at the skies
Running my hands
Over my eyes
And I fell out of bed
Hurting my head
For things that I've said

Till I finally died
Which started the whole world living
Oh if I'd only seen
That the joke was on me
That the joke was on

If you find some error in I Started A Joke Lyrics,
would you please submit your corrections to me? Thank You.

so there's nothing to do about it.... y quiza siga larga la idea.........don't give in... without a fight hey you Hey you, out there on your own
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I’m coming home.

[click of tv being turned on]
Well, only got an hour of daylight left. better get started
Isnt it unsafe to travel at night?
It’ll be a lot less safe to stay here. you’re father’s gunna pick up our trail before long
Can loca ride?
Yeah, I can ride... magaret, time to go! maigret, thank you for everything
Goodbye chenga
Goodbye miss ...
I’ll be back

The End


Sans Titre

hoy....; simplemente el dia de hoy no hay mucho que compartir ni postear ni siquiera fotos es melancolico pero es hoy, asi fue hoy, viajando todo el dia viendo carreteras, viendo el camino saliendo entrando, esperando y pensando todo el dia en demasaidas cosas y despues dormir y dormir y seguir durmiendo y al despertar con dolor en el cuello, ese dolor de haber dormido sentado y despertar con una imagen, extraviada y quiza distante conn varias ideas, con nuevos conceptos, disenando nuevas lineas, y despues seguiri viajando, enterarte de como se realizo algo en el camino es necesario y como todo las primeras impresiones son necesarias, y como en todo las mejores imagenes siempre se auedaran en la memoria, comparable al espacio en el que habitamos, o al instante en el que vivimos, asi son los viajes, en donde es mas divertido estar con alguien, y compartir las impresiones, en donde encuentras personas que te ensenan y otras que no te dicen nada, que sirven y no......... asi fue hoy quiza el dia mas interminable, o no se debo esperar hasta manana, pero hoy definitivamente fue un dia de rgereso, aquel que regresas a tu lugar, que aun no lo encuentras, es la idea perfecta de que no tienes que irte pero no te puedes quedar, asi fue hoy, un dia de regreso....... en donde se hace el inventario del viaje, en donde se inicia un nuevo espacio...................



HUH quiza todo esto se borro incomprensiblemente por la levedad que ello imlico, porque quiza lo ohice desmedidamente y todo sigue siendo parte del inmenso e irradiente universo fatuo y asombroso que nos une..... pero ya esta determinada la situacion en este inmueble se presentan fantasmas inconclusos y decepciones de una letargica situacion.... sin embargo la distante Luz que se ha integrado ha comenzado a distinguir nuevos rumbos? no hay ya especulaciones barbaras se ha cacabado una distinta situacion o quiza tal vez se haya desintegrado por una inplicada parcialidad desosegada.... pero lo mas probable es que todo estoo sea solo una vision inconsciente y despedida de la abrimadora y compleja naturaleza que encierra todo..... quiza sea por eso que haya comprendido tan poco... quiza????? quiza???, esta sea la razon de un ultimo encuentro en donde no hay necesidades implicitas solo el simple vistazo de algo inconcluso e incongruente pero que de alguna forma sigue estando presente;............ pero debe ser sin alarmas y sin sorpresas o quiza no..............

No Surprises

A heart that's full up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you,bruises that won't heal. You look so tired-unhappy, bring down the government, they don't, they don't speak for us.I'll take a quiet life,a handshake of carbon monoxide, with no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, Silent silence. This is my final fit,my final bellyache, with no alarms and no surprises,no alarms and no surprises,no alarms and no surprises please. Such a pretty houseand such a pretty garden. No alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises please.

June 1997
Found on:

OK Computer & No Surprises single

Thom introduced this song to his bandmates and the members of REM on the REM Monster Tour. It was 3 August 1995, in Oslo, Norway, and they were all gathered in a dressing room. The lyrics have been changed since then, but they originally told the story of a man who has become fed up with the way things are working out for him and is having problems with his girlfriend. Two lines from this version are, "He was sick of her excuses / To not take off her dress when bleedin' in the bathroom." Preparing to record the song, Thom altered those lyrics, but the meaning remains essentially the same. Aside from the fact that it features a glockenspiel, this track has a simplicity that proves Radiohead's ability to create a basic song with straighforward lyrics and make it fit smoothly into an album as complex as Ok Computer.






Your sorry eyes; they cut through boneThey make it hard to leave you aloneLeave you here wearing your woundsWaving your guns at somebody newBaby you're lostBaby you're lostBaby you're a lost causeThere's too many people you used to knowThey see you coming they see you goThey know your secrets and you know theirsThis town is crazy; nobody caresBaby you're lostBaby you're lostBaby you're a lost causeI'm tired of fightingI'm tired of fightingFighting for a lost causeThere's a place where you are goingYou ain't never been beforeNo one left to watch your back nowNo one standing at your doorThat's what you thought love was forBaby you're lostBaby you're lostBaby you're a lost causeI'm tired of fightingI'm tired of fighting


i might be paranoid but not an android

quiza puedo ser un androide pero no paranoico huh whats that.........................

se dice que hubo una distorcion de la historia y que los hehcos pasados pueden ser determinados cientificamente, sin embargo hay intermediaciones correctas no establecidas por la historia.............

nuestra historia de todos los dias cambia hay elementos importantes que determinan lo que va a ocurrir, quiza ya sea tiempo de archivar nuevos conceptos y dejar a la historia el inminente peso que tiene, formar parte del instante en que se presenta un evento; sin idear una realizacion determinada; pues parece que no se, limita todo,

Pero ahora mi idealizacion se gira a una direccion desconicida pero aceptable y que puede cambiar la historia sin; sin embargo existe el riesgo de que la idealizacion se desmantele, pero como me dijeron hace ya algun tiempo, parte de la sabiduria popular y familiar, todo funciona de acuerdo a un metodo, ese metodo se dispersa^pero sigue siendo la misma esencia de que teniendo en cuenta tus debilidades, hay posibilidades de triunfar, en una empresa (nota empresa como concepto disperso y multitetico), con ese riesgo que nos detiene pero que se instaura a veces, hay que alejarlo..........................................

Aunque no te importe nadala vida de un delfinnadaras a fin de siglo en tu pecera.Si no sabes si eres rata o una masa morfa massolo basta darle un beso al espejo.Si no quieres entenderque invernando estan las brujasamarrate a una escoba y vuela lejoslejos.Ah, muy lejosaunque no puedasaunque te mueras


thinking about you

una vez mas intentando continuar con aquello que se ha inventado en una forma etonante, pues tal vez solo tal vez haya algo nuevo alla afuera que descubrir; es un nuevo dia y todo comienza con un nuevo rostro y como dice borges todo es parte del diverso...........

A Cold and frosty morning there's not a lot to say About the things caught in my mind As the day was dawning my plane flew away With all the things caught in my mind And I wanna be there when you're... Coming down And I wanna be there when you hit the ground So don't go away say what you say But say that you'll stay Forever and a the time of my life Cos I need more time yes I need more time Just to make things right Damn my situation and the games I have to play With all the things caught in my mind Damn my education I can't find the words to say About all the things caught in my mind Me and you what's going on? All we seem to know is how to show The feelings that are wrong


blame it on the blackstar

ok finalmente las cosas han sido establecidas en la disposicion que ha venido siendo nayoritariamente por lo aue deberia ser, quiza sea hora de inventar un nuevo nombre, esta vez mas simbolico y pacifico; en el que tal vez las ideas sean mas fluidas, o quiza sza otra oportunidad, pero quizq no sera necesario dejar una interrogante aue impliaque una posicion mas comprensible, es posible que todo esto se detenga;

Transformer (1972)Perfect DayJust a perfect day,Drink Sangria in the park,And then later, when it gets dark, We go home.Just a perfect day,Feed animals in the zooThen later, a movie, too,And then home.Oh it's such a perfect day, I'm glad I spent it with you.Oh such a perfect day,You just keep me hanging on,You just keep me hanging on.Just a perfect day,Problems all left alone,Weekenders on our own.It's such fun.Just a perfect day,You made me forget myself.I thought I was someone else,Someone good.Oh it's such a perfect day, I'm glad I spent it with you.Oh such a perfect day,You just keep me hanging on,You just keep me hanging on.You're going to reap just what you sow,You're going to reap just what you sow,You're going to reap just what you sow,You're going to reap just what you sow...